NZ/AustCh Wynnlake Whip It Good

Welcome Whip Thanku Candice for entrusting Fairenvy with another beautiful Border. Whip won the Puppy dog class/ Opposite Puppy In Show at 2019 Border Collie National. Whip is a Best & Runner Up in Grp winner & multi class in Grp and allbreeds in show winner in Aust. Whip has a fascination with his tongue when it comes to pics. Grp/in show winner NZ Hips 4:3 Elbows 0:0 Shoulders OCD Free/Clear CEA Clear NCL Clear TNS Clear Degenerative Myelopathy Clear Cobalamin Malabsorption Deficiency Clear Ivermectin Sensitivity MDR1 Clear Primary Lens Luxation Clear Glaucoma Clear Raines Disease Clear Carries Chocolate Full Dentition Early Adult Onset Deafness Clear Sensory Neuropathy Clear |
Pedigree | ||||||||||
Sire : Ch Tookurra Fortune Cookie | S: Tookurra Just The Facts | S: Bridiebrook Fact Or Fantasy(NZ) | ||||||||
D: Ch Quinora Truly A Monster | ||||||||||
D: Tehya Destined To Shine | S: Ch Tookurra Catch A Star | |||||||||
D: SupCh Tehya Destiny All Over | ||||||||||
Dam : Braeloch Wynn Lake Of Dreams | S: NZ/AustCh Tambovale Lord Nova | S: Tambovale Supa Nova | ||||||||
D: Ch Tambovale OThe Mana Born | ||||||||||
D: Braeloch Secret Liason | S: Tambovale Tornado Too | |||||||||
D: Tambovale Cover Girl |