Resources for Breeders


Everybody can do with help or just a place to get information if they need. The Bulldog Clubs and Taskforce are focussed on building resources to help breeders. We are working on a range of resources including puppy induction packs, template agreements and breed resources.

Please feel free to click on the range of articles and podcasts linked below. Please note the Taskforce does not promote a specific product or approach. We always recommend speaking to your vet before undertaking any actions relating to your dogs health. The links on this website are for information and discussion purposes only and are intended to keep us all up to date.



Exercise for young dogs -

When to spay or neuter -

Color Dilution Alopecia in dogs Color Dilution Alopecia in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost (


Research Papers

Longevity and mortality in breeds-

Longevity and mortality of breeds -

Breed survey french bulldogs-

Breed survey british bulldog -

Understanding Breeds-

Canine semen evaluation-

Bulldogs and magnesium deficiency

BOAs -

Anaethesia and brachys -

Conformation and BOAs -

Refining the Complex Genetics That Influence Canine Hip Dysplasia - AKC Canine Health Foundation | Refining the Complex Genetics That Influence Canine Hip Dysplasia (



Click on the link to go to a list of webinars provided by the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation.

Webinars on demand include:

- Recent advances in cancer immunotherapy

- Canine Degenerative Myelopathy: from gene mutation discovery to clinical trials

- How mothers matter: the influence of early maternal interaction on offspring behaviour and development

- An update on the science behind CBD (Cannabidiol) use for pets

- Crash, boom, bang: updates on canine noise phobia treatments

- Canine Semen Evaluation and Fertility

- Canine Pyometra - Why some dogs dont get better with medical treatment or experience relapses

- A clinical genetics appropach to understanding genetic, multiplex and health testing

- Exercise to keep a dogs mind and body fit at any age

- Address the spey and neuter conndrum in dogs


Podcasts - in some cases we have attached transcripts as well

FCI President Interview

CHF and Zoetis Reproduction Series: Tips For Success With Fresh Chilled Semen Breedings, Part I: The Stud Dog -

CHF and Zoetis Reproduction Series:Tips For Success With Fresh Chilled Semen Breedings, Part II: The Brood Bitch - - resources/podcasts/chf-and-zoetis-reproduction-6.html

CHF and Zoetis Reproduction Series: Whelping and Dystocia -

CHF and Zoetis Reproduction Series: Pregnancy Diagnosis -

CHF: Periodontal Disease and Dental Health in Dogs -

Veterinary Voice: Brachycephalic Breeds’ Health and Legislation -

How to keep your brachy happy -

Vertebral malformations and brachy breeds -


Current Research in Action

If you are interested in whats happening in research affecting our breeds check out some of the links below. If you wish to participate let us know.

IVVD and Spine

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Genetic Basis of Canine Spinal Abnormalities (

 AKC Canine Health Foundation | Development of a Technique to Treat Nerve and Spinal Cord Damage Through Transplantation of Cells That Support the Repair of Damaged Neurons (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | The Prognostic Value of Various Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers in Dogs with Acute Thoracolumbar Disk Herniation (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Diagnosis of Intervertebral Disc Disease in Dogs Using Computed Tomography: A Comparison of Computed Tomography and Myelography (


AKC Canine Health Foundation | Investigation of Mechanisms of Resistance to Immunotherapy in Dogs with Spontaneous High-grade Glioma (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Isolation of the Canine Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase (TERT) Subunit and Generation of Dominant-Negative Mutants for Telomerase Inhibition (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Generation of Canine Single Chain Fragment Variable Antibody Libraries for the Identification and Targeting of Tumor-Associated Antigens in the Dog (


AKC Canine Health Foundation | Open-Label, Phase-2 Clinical Trial of Chlorambucil and Toceranib for Canine Mast Cell Tumors (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Dissecting the Biology and Genetics of c-Kit Mutations in Canine Mast Cell Tumors (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Canine Comparative Oncology and Genomics Consortium (CCOGC) (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Clinical Advancement of a Cancer Vaccine in Dogs (


AKC Canine Health Foundation | Identification of Genetic Variants Associated with Pulmonary Valve Stenosis in Bulldogs through Whole-Genome Sequencing (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Identification of Genetic Markers of Pulmonic Stenosis in Bulldogs (

Water babies

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Identifying the Genetic Basis of Fetal Anasarca in Bulldogs/Canines (

Cranial Cruciates

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Development of Novel Knee Braces As an Alternative to Surgical Intervention in Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Synoviocyte Phenotypes and Antibodies Associated with Partially Disrupted Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligaments (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Polymicrobial Bacteria-Associated Inflammatory Stifle Arthritis/Degenerative Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Dogs (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Identifying the Best Source of Stem Cells for Treatment of Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Mechanical strength of three patella-ligament-tibia allograft fixation techniques for ruptured cranial cruciate ligament repair (


AKC Canine Health Foundation | DNA Sequence Examination of a Gene Region Associated with Mastiff Cystine Stone Formation (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Molecular Genetic Characterization of Canine Cystinuria for the Development of Carrier Tests (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Molecular Genetic Characterization of Canine Cystinuria for the Development of Carrier Tests (


AKC Canine Health Foundation | Determine the Effect of Stenotic Nares on the Development of the Brachycephalic Syndrome in Brachycephalic Dogs (

AKC Canine Health Foundation | Capacity for Respiratory-Based Thermoregulation in Brachycephalic Breeds (

Introduction — Department of Veterinary Medicine (


Breed Magazines

There are a number of breed magazines and sites that you may be interested in subscribing to. They provide an insight into our breeds internationally and on issues and health.


Breeders Manual

If you would like a copy of the bible for breeders by Dr Karen Hedberg "A Dog Owners Manual" please contact us. We will be ordering some in shortly.  


French Bulldog Resources

We have copies of the NSW French Bulldog Clubs Puppy Booklet written by french bulldog breeder and vet Dr Karen Hedberg for sale. The booklet is an excellent resource to give to new puppy owners.


Template Agreements

We are working on a range of template agreements that breeders will be able to use should they wish. They will include:

  • Pet agreements
  • Show Agreements
  • Co Ownership Agreement
  • Lease Agreement
  • Stud Agreement 

Note they will be templates only and will not replace independent legal advice.


Puppy Induction Packs

We are pulling together Induction Packs for puppy owners. This will include a checklist (example in link below) and supporting information. We will also be speaking to insurance companies and food companies about discounts.


Anything else?

Let us know if you think we should be developing other resources. All ideas welcome and if you want any of the resources feel free to contact us below.






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Contact Details

Taskforce Co Ordinator
Nationwide, NZ
Email : [email protected]